HC Deb 19 November 1908 vol 196 c1383

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether the Estates Commissioners have received an application for restoration, under the Evicted Tenants Act, from William M'Cullagh, of Drumcose, on the Ely Estate, whose grandfather was evicted from the lands of Corsicon on that estate in 1876; and if, as appears, the applicant is not within the benefit of that Act, the Commissioners will, in the pending sale of Lord Ely's estate, provide a holding for the applicant under Section 2 of the Purchase Act, 1903, as the son of a tenant of a holding on the estate, on which basis he appears to be qualified to receive an advance.

(Answered by Mr. Birrell.) M'Cullagh's application as the representative of an evicted tenant does not come within the provisions either of the Evicted Tenants Act or of the Irish Land Act, 1903. His application for an allotment under Section 2 of the latter Act, as the son of a tenant on the Ely estate, will be considered by the Estates Commissioners when the estate is being dealt with in its order of priority.