HC Deb 19 November 1908 vol 196 c1382

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether the Estates Commissioners have acquired any land for restoration of evicted tenants near Clonelly, County Fermanagh, in connection with which they could consider the claim for restoration of Mr. John Graham, of Banagh, Clonelly, an evicted tenant whose claim has been favourably noted by the Commissioners; and can he state how many (if any) evicted tenants in County Fermanagh have been restored under the Evicted Tenants Act and otherwise, respectively, through the intervention of the Estates Commissioners.

(Answered by Mr. Birrell.) The Estates Commissioners do not appear to have acquired any land near Clonelly for the restoration of evicted tenants. They have noted John Graham's name for consideration in the allotment of such untenanted land as they may acquire. Up to the present, twenty-nine evicted tenants or their representatives have been reinstated or provided with holdings in County Fermanagh.