HC Deb 19 November 1908 vol 196 cc1406-7

I beg to ask the hon. Member for South Somerset, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, whether nurserymen and growers who have gooseberry bushes affected with the American gooseberry mildew have recently been allowed to move or sell such bushes after they have been pruned but have received no other treatment; if so, in how many cases and in what counties this has been permitted; and whether any Memorandum has been issued by the Board on the subject of the conditions under which diseased bushes may be moved or sold.


Gooseberry bushes that have been affected with the disease mentioned can only be removed on a licence of an inspector who has examined and declared them free from disease. In no case has such a licence been granted for removal to premises outside an infected area. No Memorandum on this subject has been issued, but full information is supplied to any one asking permission to remove bushes. Only a few such licences have been issued at present in the Isle of Ely and Kent.