HC Deb 17 November 1908 vol 196 cc1020-1
MR. GINNELL (Westmeath, N.)

To ask the Secretary to the Treasury if he will give the names of all persons receiving £100 a year or more out of Subhead A., Vote 32, Class 2, of Civil Service Estimates, stating the amount paid yearly in each case and the nature of the service for which it is paid.

(Answered by Mr. Cherry.) The following table affords the information asked for—

or leased by His Majesty's Commissioners of Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues during the last ten years to local authorities and to other bodies or private individuals; whether, before parting with the Crown's interests in any part of the foreshore to other bodies or private individuals for any consideration, the Commissioners have first offered it on similar terms to the local authorities for the public use and enjoyment; and, if not, whether the Commissioners will consider the possibility of making it a rule to do so in the future.

(Answered by Mr. Hobhouse.) The following are particulars of foreshores sold or leased by the Commissioners of Woods (excluding sales or leases of less than an acre) for the ten years to 31st March last. Sold to local authorities, about 48 acres; to other bodies or private individuals, 95 acres. These latter include 24 acres sold to Government Departments, 18 acres sold for the purpose of works carried out under Parliamentary authority or with the sanction of the Board of Trade, and 28 acres conveyed as part of an arrangement for the settlements of an adverse claim. Leased to local authorities, about 4,968 acres; to other bodies or private individuals, about 3,219 acres, made up of 113 acres leased to Government Departments, 867 acres for the purposes of works authorised by Parliament or sanctioned by the Board of Trade, 117 acres previously offered to the local authorities on similar terms and refused by them, and 2,122 acres let without being so offered mostly on short tenancies in continuation of previous similar lettings. The majority of sales and long leases are now made for purposes of reclamation or for other works sanctioned by Parliament or the Board of Trade; but, in the remaining cases, I agree as to the general desirability of giving the preference to local authorities, though no hard and fast rule can be laid down in view of varying circumstances.