HC Deb 17 November 1908 vol 196 cc1047-8
MR. CURRAN (Durham, Jarrow)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether any steps are being taken or will be taken to group localities with a population of less than 10,000, in order that a distress committee may be created for the district.


I can only refer my hon. friend to the Answer which I gave on the 13th instant to a similar Question which he put to me.


Are we to understand that nothing is to be done for any section of the unemployed, in accordance with the scheme laid down by the Prime Minister, where the population is less than 10,000?


Perhaps it may be convenient for me to read my previous Answer: "The Unemployed Workmen Act, 1905, does not admit of the grouping of districts with a view to establishing in the grouped area a distress committee who would be enabled to provide or to contribute towards the provision of work for the unemployed. I am afraid, therefore that it would not be practicable to give effect to the object which my hon. friend appears to have in view."


What we desire to know is whether, in accordance with the scheme set before this House and the country by the Prime Minister for the temporary relief of the unemployed, it is not possible to group the smaller districts so that the committees could cover a certain radius.


Not in that particular way, but in another way. The best plan is by setting up distress committees, of which I have set up a number this week.