HC Deb 11 November 1908 vol 196 c258

To ask the Secretary of State for War whether he has yet received the report as to the dismissal of a large number of artisans and labourers from the Cork Barracks, where they had been for years employed, and the substitution of military men in their places; what is the rate of wages of the dismissed artisans, and what is the pay of the soldiers substituted for them; is this change in accordance with the Fair Wages Resolution of this House; and whether, in view of the widespread want of employment in Cork, and the efforts of the local representative bodies to cope with it, he will be good enough to withdraw the notices of dismissal.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Haldane.) A field company of Royal Engineers has recently arrived at Cork Barracks. This company will, as a matter of course, be employed on some military work. No change has been made in the system of doing incidental repairs by the triennial contractor. The military authorities at Cork report that nothing is known of artisans and labourers being given notice of discharge.