HC Deb 05 November 1908 vol 195 cc1381-2
MR. H. PEARSON (Suffolk, Eye)

To ask the hon. Member for the Barnstaple division, as representing the Charity Commissioners, whether he is aware that the Wilby Parish Council, within the three months allowed by law, appealed against the order dealing with, the Wilby Town Estates Charity, dated 2nd April, 1908; and, if so, on what ground their appeal was refused.

(Answered by Mr. Soares.) The appeal against a decision of the Charity Commissioners under the Local Government Act, 1894, provided for in Section 70 (2) of that Act, is to the High Court of Justice, and in the present case no such appea has been made. The Charity Commissioners in July last expressed their willingness to discharge the order if the parish council would furnish them with a resolution expressing their desire to have the order discharged. No such resolution has been communicated to the Commissioners.


To ask the President of the Board of Education whether he is aware that the four-sevenths of the Wilby Town Estates Charity, having been allocated to the education rate by a determination order of the Charity Commissioners in the year 1903, is now lying at the bank unclaimed by the county council, and has been so lying since the year 1904; and, if so, what steps he proposes to take so that this money shall not continue to lie dormant.

(Answered by Mr. Runciman.) The Charity Commissioners by an order dated 20th January, 1903, under the Board of Education Act, 1899, determined that four-sevenths of the clear income of the Wilby Town Estates Charity, after payment of outgoings and expenses of management, is the part of the endowment of the charity which is held for or ought to be applied to educational purposes. The Board have intimated their willingness, with the consent of all parties, to establish a scheme which would provide for the application of the income so as to secure to poor children of the parish some special educational benefit. No application for a scheme has yet been made to the Board, but the Board would now be prepared to proceed with the preparation of a scheme so soon as application is made to them.