HC Deb 05 November 1908 vol 195 cc1411-2

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he has any information with regard to the granting of the loan of £10,000 applied for by the County Borough Council of Limerick towards the building of a central technical institute in that city; and whether, taking into account the want of employment that exists and the necessity of doing something towards its relief, this loan may be granted and work that is needed started at once.


I understand that the difficulty about making the loan in question arises from the fact that the borrowing powers of the Limerick Council have already been substantially exhausted. I am anxious, however, to give all the assistance I can to the carrying out of this highly desirable project, and am in communication with the proper authority as to whether the difficulty about making the loan may be overcome.


Then what becomes of the statement of the President of the Local Government Board that loans would be advanced to public bodies in order to tide over the distress this winter?


The whole question is one of law—whether loans of this character can be authorised. I have this matter very much at heart and am doing my best to overcome the difficulty.