§ SIR GEORGE SCOTT ROBERTSON (Bradford, Central)I bog to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether his attention has been drawn to the continued use by certain Japanese merchants of counterfeits of the registered British trade-marks borne upon Bradford and Manchester piece goods; whether he is aware that this practice has increased greatly of late; and if so, whether any steps are contemplated by His Majesty's Government to bring about some arrangement with Japan whereby such British trade marks shall be adequately protected.
§ THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Sir EDWARD GREY,) Northumberland, BerwickThe reply to the first Question is in the affirmative, and to the second in the negative. As regards the protection of British trade-marks in Japan, His Majesty's Government have been in communication with the Japanese Government, and it is understood that, owing to recent decisions of the Japanese Courts, 1401 the position is now more satisfactory. As regards the fraudulent use of British trade-marks in China, negotiations for the conclusion of a Convention with Japan are now proceeding for the mutual protection of British and Japanese trademarks in that country.
SIR GILBERT PARKERasked if His Majesty's Government were pressing for the better protection of British trademarks?
§ SIR EDWARD GREYsaid that several cases had been brought before the Courts recently and in two or three important ones Japanese manufacturers, had been fined for imitating British trademarks. He must repeat that the position might now be considered satisfactory in that respect.