HC Deb 05 November 1908 vol 195 c1383
MR. SEARS (Cheltenham)

To ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer how many officials have applied to the Board of Inland Revenue for permission to retire on superannuation, in order to take service under the county councils in connection with the transfer of the establishment, etc., licences; whether these applications have been granted; and, if not, why, in view of the anticipated reduction of the establishment owing to the amalgamation with the Customs, advantage has not been taken of offers which will bring about retirements without inflicting hardship on the officials.

(Answered by Mr. Lloyd-George.) As regards officers under sixty years of age, only two applications to retire in the circumstances mentioned have been received. In neither case, seeing that under the Old-Age Pensions Act excise officers will be fully employed for some time to come, were the Board in a position to submit the application to the Treasury, for the grant of a superannuation allowance on the ground which would alone be admissible in each case, namely, abolition of office.

lbs. ozs.
Germany . . Mauser, 1888 . . 2 12
France . . . Lebel, 1886 . . . 2 8
U. S. A. . . . Krag Jorgensen, 1898 . 2 13
U. S. A. . . . Springfield, 1903 . . 2 14
Long Lee-Enfield . . 2 14
Short Lee-Enfield . . 2 3