HC Deb 05 November 1908 vol 195 cc1413-4

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been directed to the Return No. 6 of the session of 1888, laid by the then Chief Secretary, showing that while at the date of the passing of the Criminal Law and Procedure Act of 1887, the number of boycotted persons in Ireland was 4,835, the number had been decreased during the succeeding six months by upwards of 50 per cent.; whether he is aware that in July, 1892, the number of cases of boycotting throughout Ireland had been reduced to three; whether he is aware that between 31st January, 1907, and 31st August, 1908, the number of boycotted persons has increased from 216 to 754; and whether he can explain the fluctuations in the statistics during the periods mentioned.


My attention has been called to the Return in question showing that the number of persons seriously boycotted on 31st July, 1887, was 4,835, and that the number on 31st January, 1888, was 2,075. The number of persons similarly boycotted in July, 1892, was sixteen. In January, 1907, the number was fifty-two, and in August last 115. The figures for 1907 and 1908, quoted by the hon. Member, include cases of minor boycotting which were not recorded before 1902. It is not possible within the limits of an oral reply to analyse the various causes of these fluctuations.


Do not these facts show that the right hon. Gentleman is condoning the offence of boycotting?


That is a purely argumentative Question which the hon. Member ought not to put. The object of Questions is to obtain information.