HC Deb 02 November 1908 vol 195 c732

Copies presented, of Seven Orders in Council, dated 19th October 1908, approving Memorials of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty praying sanction to—(1) The payment of an allowance to the Flag Officer on the staff of the Commander-in-Chief of His Majesty's Home Fleet in lieu of servants; (2) An amendment of the regulations as to the study of Foreign languages, so far as relates to Japanese; (3) An alteration of the system of remunerating Officers employed in the correction of charts; (4) The grant of charge pay to Engineer Officers in charge of machinery, in certain cases; (5) An increased rate of pay to Officers and men of the Royal Marines for acting as shorthand writers at Naval Courts Martial, etc.; (6) A modification, in certain respects, of the pay of Men of the Royal Marines; (7) The payment of Stewardesses employed in His Majesty's Yachts [by Act]; to lie upon the Table.