HC Deb 25 May 1908 vol 189 cc770-1

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can give the House any information respecting the military operations now being conducted by Russia on the Russo-Persian frontier; whether demands for compensation have been made by the Russian general to the tribal headsmen of the frontier districts; and, if the Answer to this Question be in the affirmative, whether he will make friendly representations to the Russian Government with a view to securing that any such claims may be made direct to the central Government at Teheran.


For some years past, a number of tribesmen, Persian subjects, have been settled on Russian territory and have continually plundered their Russian neighbours and driven off their cattle. The Russian Government have made constant representations, both locally to the Persian frontier authorities and at Teheran to the Persian Government, with a view to put a stop to these depredations, but without any effect; and finally, after several Russian frontier guards and soldiers and one officer had been killed by the brigands, and many more wounded, it was found necessary to despatch a military expedition to restore order in the district, and if necessary expel the marauding Persian settlers by force. The Russian general in command of the force has demanded from the Governor-General of Tabriz an indemnity for the loss of Russian life and property. Representations with the same object have also been made by the Russian Legation at Teheran to the Persian Government with the result that the Persian Charge d'Affaires at St. Petersburg has asked for a delay of fifteen days in which to satisfy the Russian demands. This request has been agreed to.


Can the right hon. Gentleman state the amount of the indemnity demanded?


Not without notice.

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