HC Deb 21 May 1908 vol 189 cc479-80
MR. CROYDON MARKS (Cornwall, Launceston)

To ask the President of the Local Government Board whether

to insert those clauses, having regard to the answer of the late President of the Board to a Question on 20th August, 1907, that the Board of Education were prepared, on the request of the local education authority to insert in Provisional Order Confirmation Bills, where the circumstances in the opinion of the Board justified such a course, those clauses which, having been frequently inserted in local Acts, are regarded in the practice of Parliament as model clauses.

(Answered by Mr. Runciman.) Certain proposed additional clauses were forwarded by the London County Council with their petition for compulsory powers under Section 20 of The Elementary Education Act, 1870. Of these clauses the Board inserted in the confirming Bill such as in their opinion could be regarded as model clauses, and had been approved by Parliament as such. The Board did not feel justified in regarding others as model elauses, and, in accordane with their usual practice, did not insert them in the Bill; but they are in communication with the Parliamentary authorities on the subject.