§ SIR GILBERT PARKER (Gravesend)I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies what were the taxes per head of the white and of the coloured population of British East Africa respectively for the year 1907; and what is the amount paid by members of the white community in rents, licences, registration fees, and fees for land sales and cattle sales, and what is the amount similarly paid by the coloured community.
§ THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION (Mr. RUNCIMAN, Dews-bury; for Colonel SEELY)My hon. friend has asked me to reply in his absence. The Secretary of State will ask the Governor of the East Africa Protectorate for an estimate of the amounts contributed under the several heads by the white and coloured community.
§ SIR GILBERT PARKERCannot an answer be given now as to the amount paid per head?
§ MR. RUNCIMANI have no doubt the Colonial Office will supply whatever information it can.