§ MR. BOWLESI beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty whether, in view of the facts that officers commanding His Majesty's ships are bound by Article 1035 of the King's Regulations to observe the regulations made by Order in Council for preventing collisions at sea, and that those regulations enjoin the carriage of certain specified navigation lights from sunset to sunrise by every steam vessel under way, any instructions have been issued to such officers relieving them from the obligations of Article 1035 1634 during night manœuvres; and, if so, whether he will lay those instructions upon the Table or state their purport to the House.
§ MR. McKENNAInstructions have not been issued to officers in the sense suggested in the Question, but commanders in-chief have discretion to carry out Manœuvres under conditions that are designed to reproduce as nearly as possible those which must be met in time of war.
§ MR. BOWLESWas that discretion given by order of the Admiralty in writing?
§ MR. McKENNAIt has been exercised for a good many years past and no alterations has taken place in the practice.