HC Deb 18 May 1908 vol 188 c1592

Copy ordered, "of Return showing for each Financial Year commencing the 1st day of April from 1875 to 1908, inclusive:—I.—The total amount of Dead Weight Debt outstanding on the 1st clay of April; the amounts which were made available in the year for reduction of Debt, distinguishing the sums expressly provided for service of the Debt, the Old Sinking Fund, and Miscellaneous Receipts; the Gross Amount of Debt redeemed; the amount of Debt created; and the Net Increase or Decrease of Debt in the Year. II.—A similar Statement in respect of other Capital Liabilities; III.—A similar Statement in respect of the Aggregate Gross Liabilities of the State. "—(Mr. Hobhouse.)

Copy presented accordingly; to lie upon the Table, and to be printed. [No. 146.]