§ MR. CHIOZZA MONEY (Paddington, N.)I beg to ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer if he can state, for the financial year 1907–8, the number of income-tax payers who made declarations of their total individual incomes, and how many of these, and in respect of what amounts of aggregate income in each class, declared incomes exceeding £160 and not exceeding £400, exceeding £400 and not exceeding £500, exceeding £500 and not exceeding £600, exceeding £600 and not exceeding £700, exceeding £700 and not exceeding £2,000 respectively, and in each of these classes how many persons, and in respect of what amounts of aggregate income, declared wholly earned, wholly unearned, or partly earned and partly unearned incomes respectively.
§ MR. LLOYD-GEORGEFor the year which has just expired it is not possible to give the information which my hon. friend seeks. I will take an opportunity of considering, with reference to future years, how far it may be practicable to take steps in the direction indicated.
§ MR. CHIOZZA MONEYHow many persons claimed the 9d. rate under the clause referring to earned incomes?
§ MR. LLOYD-GEORGEI cannot say without notice.