HC Deb 11 May 1908 vol 188 cc708-9

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War why the colour-sergeants of the Regular Forces who took up the appointments of sergeant-major and sergeant-instructor to the infantry battalions of the old Volunteer Force are now, on being transferred to the new Territorial Force, to receive only about 50 per cent. of their former corps pay.


The Army emoluments of the permanent staff are given to remunerate them for their military duties which they can be called upon to perform as soldiers. Extra remuneration was permitted to be given by their corps and is permitted to be given by the County Associations for extra work performed in addition to military duty. It is the business of the Associations for whom the work is done to fix the rates subject to the approval of the Army Council. The Army Council, however, cannot approve of payments made simply for the purpose of increasing the regulated emoluments of the permanent staff without any reference to the amount of extra work which they are required to do.


Are these Regular non-commissioned officers to have less work than under the old Volunteer system?


In some cases less, and in others more. The remuneration will be according to the work they do.


Is it quite fair to these men who left the Army and took these posts on the distinct understanding that they should have a certain amount of pay to have that pay reduced through no fault of their own?


reply was inaudible.

MR. REES (Montgomery Boroughs)

If the County Association makes up the pay of these non-commissioned officers to the full amount will there be any recoupment from the State?


Yes, that is provided for.