HC Deb 11 May 1908 vol 188 cc687-8

To ask the Under-Secretary of State for India whether, when the recent riots occurred at Tinnevelly and Tuticorin, the Native infantry regiment at Trichinopoly was reduced to a strength less than that of a single company; and whether, since no regiments are now stationed at Palamcottah or Guilon, a regiment of full strength should be maintained at Trichinopoly.

(Answered by Mr. Buchanan.) With the exception of a small detachment of sixty men at Tivandrum, a whole batta- lion of Indian infantry is stationed at Trichinopoly, and there is no intention of reducing the garrison. The strength of the regiment was considerably reduced at the time mentioned by the hon. Member owing to the fact that a larger number of men than usual had been allowed to go on leave on account of the recent return of the regiment from service in Ceylon.