§ MR. GIBB (Middlesex, Harrow)To ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer what would be the further loss to the revenue if the duty on voyage marine policies were made 1d. per policy, as is now the case with voyage marine policies in which the premium does not exceed 2s. 6d. per cent. and also with fire policies, instead of, as proposed in the Prime Minister's statement, 1d. per cent.
(Answered by Mr. Lloyd-George.) The further loss to the revenue would pro-
§ for the increase of national school teachers' salaries in Ireland will be in the hands of Members.
§ (Answered by Mr. Hobhouse). Subject to a reply to a recent letter addressed by the Treasury to the Irish Government, I hope to present this, along with any other Supplementary Estimates that may be required, at the usual time, namely, in July next.