HC Deb 06 May 1908 vol 188 cc262-3

SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON reported from the Committee of Selection; That they had discharged the following Members from Standing Committee A: Mr. McKenna, Mr. Acland, and Mr. Lough; and had appointed in substitution (in respect of the Education (Local Authorities) Bill): Mr. Runciman, Mr. McKinnon Wood, and Mr. Walker.

SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee; That they had added to Standing Committee A the following fifteen Members (in respect of the Married Women's Property Bill): Mr. Hicks Beach, Mr. StaveleyHill, Mr. Lane-Fox, Mr. Arkwright, Mr. Micklem, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Dobson, Mr. Glendinning, Mr. Berridge, Mr. Hudson, Mr. Hugh Law, Mr. William Johnson, Mr. Lupton, Mr. Dunn, and Colonel Ivor Philipps.

SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee; That they had discharged the following Members from Standing Committee B (in respect of the Children Bill): Sir Henry Kimber and Mr. Courthope; and had appointed in substitution (in respect of the Children Bill): Mr. Staveley-Hill and Mr. Guinness.

SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee; That they had added to the Standing Committee on Scottish Bills the following fifteen Members (in respect of the Education (Scotland) Bill: Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, Mr. William Abraham (Rhondda), Mr. Bell, Mr. Boland, Mr. Jeremiah MacVeagh, Sir William Anson, Mr. Butcher, Mr. Haddock, the Earl of Ronaldshay, Mr. Lambton, Mr. Henry Gooch, Mr. James Hope, Mr. William Jones, Sir Frederick Banbury, and Sir Edward Sassoon.

Reports to lie upon the Table.