HC Deb 06 May 1908 vol 188 c223
MR. HUGH BARRIE (Londonderry, N.)

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the provisions of Section 25, cap. 49, of the Act 34 and 35 Vict., respecting notice to be given of application for marriage licences, are very commonly disregarded in Ireland; whose duty is it to enforce the giving of such notice; and will he take steps to see that the law is observed by proceeding against persons who disobey it.

(Answered by Mr. Birrell.) The Registrar-General for Ireland informs me that he is not aware that the provisions of the section quoted are very commonly disregarded in Ireland, though complaints have reached him from time to time of alleged failure in particular cases to send copies of the notices of marriage required by the section. The Act makes no provision for enforcing the sending of such copies of notices.