HC Deb 06 May 1908 vol 188 c256

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland how many cattle-drives have been reported by the police during the months of January, February, March, and April last; how many arrests have been made; and what sentences have been passed in each month, respectively, and for corresponding figures for the same months in 1905.


The number of cattle-drives reported to the police in January, 1908, was 35; in February, 31; in March, 57; and in April, 62. In January two persons were arrested and bound to keep the peace. In February sixteen persons were arrested, of whom fifteen were bound to the peace, and one was sent to prison for two months in default of giving bail. In March forty-three persons were arrested. Of these twenty-three were bound to the peace; six were sent to prison for three months, twelve for two months, and one for one month, in default of giving bail; and one was discharged. In April, ninety-four persons were arrested, of whom forty-nine were bound to the peace, one was sent to prison for two months in default of bail, and eight were discharged. The cases of the remaining thirty-six are not yet disposed of. There are no corresponding figures for 1905. Cattle-driving had not come into practice at that time, and any occasional case which may have occurred was not specially reported.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he can offer any explanation of how it is that cattle-driving has increased so much under the administration of His Majesty's Government?

[No Answer was returned.]


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he can explain a speech at Southampton in which he said—


Order, order-Quotations are not in order.


I was not going to quote, Sir.


The hon. Gentleman was asking the right hon. Gentleman as, to a speech "in which he said."