HC Deb 05 May 1908 vol 188 cc27-8
SIR CHARLES DILKE (Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean)

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has received any information as to a concession in the neighbourhood of Cape Juby alleged to have been obtained by Lord Mountmorres, or by the Institute of Tropical Research, from the Sheik of Adrar; if so, having regard to action taken by the Foreign Office on two previous occasions in reference to Cape Juby and the surrounding country, whether His Majesty's Government have issued a warning to the concessionaires; and whether steps will be taken to prevent the landing of arms by British subjects or their agents at Cape Juby, and traffic in arms by British subjects or companies between the Canary Islands and the Southern Morocco coast.

(Answered by Sir Edward Grey.) His Majesty's Government have no precise information respecting the concessions alleged to have been obtained by Lord Mountmorres from the Sheik of Adrar, and they have issued no warning in connection therewith, but there is no intention of departing from the attitude of non-interference announced in the Answer given on 23rd June, 1903. As regards the last part of the right hon. Member's Question, the arms traffic in Morocco is under the joint control of the French and Spanish Governments.