HC Deb 26 March 1908 vol 186 cc1586-7

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that John Minogue, whose house was fired into on the night of the 3rd instant, in the neighbourhood of Woodford, in the County of Galway, had previously been intimidated by shouting, groaning, and the blowing of horns, because he was in the employment of Mr. Lewis; that he was summoned before the Abbey branch of the United Irish League, and was allowed one month to clear out of his then occupation; if he is aware that at the time the outrage took place Minogue was on his way to attend a meeting of the League to ask permission to keep on his herding, and if on the day following the outrage Minogue gave up his employment; that the house of another herd on the Lewis estate within a short distance of Minogue's was fired into about six weeks before and his wife injured; will he say if the police are now aware of any reason for the firing into Monogue's house; and would he lay upon the Table of the House the report of the local police upon the subject.


The police authorities inform me that Minogue has never complained of having been shouted or groaned at. He states that he was summoned before the United Irish League, and that he was on his way to attend a meeting of the league at the time when his house was fired into. No meeting, however, was held. Minogue was a herd in the employment of Mr. Lewis, and he gave up his employment on the following day. I stated in reply to the last Question that on 8th February the house of another herd named Collins was fired into and his wife injured. It would be quite irregular to state the suspicions of the police as to the motives for offences. In this ease, I am informed, there is more than one possible motive. The reply to the concluding inquiry is in the negative.


Does the right hon. Gentleman imply that this man had no objection to his house being fired into?


I said he had never complained of being shouted at or groaned at.