HC Deb 26 March 1908 vol 186 cc1589-90
MR. McKEAN (Monaghan, S.)

I beg-to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, whether he can state on what evidence the Local Government Board inspector who recently held an inquiry in Cootehill as to a scheme for providing labourers' cottages in the Cootehill Rural District No. 2, decided that the lands of Sydney Jackson, Esquire, were demesne lands, in view of the fact that at the aforesaid inquiry it was proved that a fair rent had been fixed on the said lands; and whether, under the circumstances, the Local Government Board intend to take any steps to provide the applicants under the labourers scheme with sites for cottages and allotments of land, more particularly as the houses in which the applicants at present live have been condemned on two occasions by the medical officer of the district.


The application for labourers' cottages on Mr. Jackson's lands was disallowed by the inspector on the ground that the lands were demesne lands. The lands are shown as desmesne on the ordnance survey maps, and evidence to the same effect was given on Mr. Jackson's behalf. No evidence to the contrary was given, nor was any statement made that a fair rent had been fixed on the lands. It is for the rural district council and not for the Local Government Board to take steps to provide the applicants with cottages on other lands.


Will the right hon. Gentleman inquire further; I am informed that a fair rent has been fixed?


I do not think that would alter the decision of the inspector. I am afraid after the Report, the Government had no power to deal otherwise with the matter.


Is it intended to take steps to provide any cottages for these labourers?


If the district council neglect their duty the Local Government Board may compel them to do it.


Yes, but——


The hon. Member had better resume this debate another day.