HC Deb 23 March 1908 vol 186 c1084
SIR JOSEPH LEESE (Lancashire, Accrington)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether he has had his attention called to the demand note for the payment of church rates in the parish of Altham, Lancashire, in which the rate is described as a rate to defray the incidental expenses of the parish; and whether, seeing that it is calculated to convey to the ratepayers the idea that the rate is enforceable by law when the demand note is signed by the collector of the ordinary rates, and when a form is sent out like the one commonly used for the collection of such rates, he proposes to take any steps in the matter.


My attention has been called to this matter. I find that a separate notice is issued in respect of the rate referred to, on which it is distinctly stated that the rate is a general voluntary rate. I am informed that the ratepayers are well aware of the voluntary nature of the rate, and that new residents are always told that they can please themselves whether they will pay it or not. The voluntary rate is collected by the assistant overseer on behalf of the churchwardens. I do not think he can be required to cease to collect it, but I understand that if objection is felt to a continuance of the arrangement he is prepared to discontinue it.