HC Deb 19 March 1908 vol 186 c787

had on the Paper the following Question: To ask the Secretary for Scotland whether he is aware that to carry out the decision of the High Court of Justiciary, Scotland, and prosecute all foreign trawlers fishing outside the three-mile limits in the Moray Firth would constitute a breach of International Law; whether he has been informed that that is the opinion of the Foreign Office; and whether he will immediately take steps to withdraw the British cruisers which at present protect these fishing grounds for the exclusive use and advantage of foreigners, and remove restrictions which prevent British fishermen from trawling in these waters.

On being called upon to put the Question the hon. Member said: I have been requested by the right hon. Gentleman to postpone this, and I do so for one week, but I hope he will give me an assurance that in the interval he will not prosecute any of my constituents.

[No Answer was returned.]