CAPTAIN CRAIGI beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether Maynooth Roman Catholic College is open to Protestants; whether he is aware that, under the original Bill of 1795, the college was restricted to Roman Catholics only, and that in 1817 all laity were excluded; and if it is the intention of the Government in any way to modify the status of Maynooth under the scheme at present under their consideration.
§ MR. KILBRIDE (Kildare, S.)Will the right hon. Gentleman, in his proposed University Bill, make provision for completing the education of hon. Members from Ulster?
§ MR. BIRRELLMaynooth College is not now, and never has been, open to Protestants. In 1817 the lay college was closed, and Maynooth became a place of education for Catholic ecclesiastical students only. For the details of the Government's scheme for University education, I must ask the hon. and gallant 792 Member to wait for a week or two until the measure is introduced.