HC Deb 19 March 1908 vol 186 cc795-6
MR. AKERS-DOUGLAS (Kent, St. Augustine's),

asked as to the arrangements for business next week.


said that the first business on Monday would be the Second Heading of the Consolidated Fund Bill, followed by the Second Beading of the Army Annual Bill. On Tuesday, the Second Beading of the Prosecution of Offences (Amendment) Bill, as it was necessary to pass that Bill before Easter with the view to the Criminal Appeal Act coming into effective operation. That Bill would be followed by the Second Beading of the Children's Bill and the Committee stage of the Consolidated Fund Bill. On Wednesday, the Committee stage of the Prosecution of Offences Bill, the Committee on the Army Annual Bill, and the Third Reading of the Consolidated Fund Bill. On Thursday, the Government proposed to get the Speaker out of the Chair on the Civil Service Estimates.


Cannot the Army Annual Bill be taken in the afternoon on Wednesday so as to avoid an all-night sitting?


It is our intention to to take the Army Bill early; the Prose- cution of Offences Bill is not contentious and will not excite discussion.


When will the Licensing Bill be proceeded with?


The Second Reading will be taken before Easter.