HC Deb 18 March 1908 vol 186 c567

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether his attention has been called to the report of Mr. Bhupendranath Bose, a leading Calcutta solicitor, and Lieutenant-Colonel Mukerji, with regard to the Mymensingh disturbance of 3rd January and the following dates; whether he is aware that the gentleman named asked Mr. Clark, the district magistrate, to allow a responsible police official to be present during the investigations, such request being refused; and, having regard to the allegations of unprovoked assault and robbery against the local police, what steps he intends taking to allay the effect such unofficial report must have upon the people of India generally.


I have been favoured with a copy of the report, from which it appears that Mr. Clark was unable to permit the attendance of a police officer, because there was not time to obtain the sanction of the higher authorities. A fortnight before this "unofficial commission "commenced its inquiries, the local government had directed the additional magistrate at Mymensing to hold a special inquiry, the result of which I await.