HC Deb 18 March 1908 vol 186 cc576-7
MR. WEIR () Ross and Cromarty

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland, in view of the fact that the Lords, when rejecting the Small Landholders (Scotland) Bill, indicated that they were prepared to co-operate in securing land legislation for the Highland crofting counties and districts where crofting conditions prevail, will the Government consider the expediency of introducing an Amendment of the Crofters Acts at the earliest possible moment with a view to the Bill becoming law this session, especially having regard to the land hunger and distress in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.


I am not able to make any statement at present on this subject.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that every Cabinet Minister who has dealt with this question is pledged to the hilt to advance legislation for the Highland and crofting counties?


made no reply.


What! No reply? I am not surprised.