MR. CATHCART WASONI beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland if his attention has been called to the fine recently imposed on a Glasgow butcher for having exposed a carcase for sale which was found to be tuberculous; and whether, in view of the fact that it is perfectly competent to a qualified authority to say whether an animal is tuberculous or not during life, that the said animal was passed as sound by the Glasgow authorities, and that the butcher acted faith, he will consider what steps interests of justice he should take
§ MR. SINCLAIRI have inquired into the case referred to by my hon. friend. The sale, or exposure for sale, for human food of unsound meat is an offence under the Public Health Act, and the butcher in question appears to have been convicted of a contravention of this Statute. The facts mentioned could have been brought to the notice of the sheriff, and it does not appear therefore that any action on my part is called for.
MR. CATHCART WASONHad the inspectors of meat no responsibility in the matter? Many of them saw the carcase.
§ MR. KILBRIDE (Kildare, S)Are these inspectors at Glasgow veterinary surgeons?
§ MR. SINCLAIRasked for notice.