§ MR. HOGAN (Tipperary, N.)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland if he will say whether Major Dease, R.M., who sentenced a number of young men at Clough-jordan last week to various terms of imprisonment on charges connected with the stoppage of the Ormonde hunt, actually seconded a resolution publicly to hunt against the wishes of the people of the district; did any other magistrate take part in the trial of these men; and were they tried at petty sessions or a special Court.
§ MR. BIRRELLI have referred this Question to Major Dease, who informs me that it is not the fact that he seconded a resolution of the nature referred to in the Question. On 3rd instant Major Dease heard an application by the police to bind to the peace seventeen persons who were charged with cattle driving. The defendants were ordered to find sureties or in default to be imprisoned. 1533 They refused to give bail and were committed to prison, but some of them have since been released on giving bail. The application was made to the resident magistrate alone. Petty sessions were not being held on that day.
§ MR. J. MACVEAGH (Down, S.)Was the Major at the hunt meeting?
§ MR. BIRRELLI cannot say.
§ MR. J. MACVEAGHIs his special qualification as a magistrate that he is a landlord and a Militia major?
§ [No Answer was returned.]