HC Deb 11 March 1908 vol 185 cc1548-50
MR. SHEEHAN (Cork County, Mid.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutanent of Ireland whether he is aware that in connection with the claim of the labourers and small landholders on the estate of Sir George Colthurst, Ballyvourney, to the distribution of the home farm amongst them, Mr. Commissioner Bailey assured the hon. Member for Mid-Cork, both personally and by letters, that an opportunity would be given to those who contested the bona fides of the tenancy of Mr. Jeremiah Hegarty of being heard in support of their contention by the Estates Commissioners before the question was finally determined; and will he state whether this promise of Mr. Bailey will be observed by the Estates Commissioners.


The course which the Estates Commissioners propose to follow in the matter is fully stated in my reply to the hon. Member's Question of the 9th instant. Before coining to a final decision in the matter they will carefully consider any statement or representations put forward in connection with the tenancy of Mr. Hegarty. There is no record on the official files of any promise by Mr. Bailey to the effect stated in the Question. Personal correspondence of individual Commissioners is not recorded in the office.


I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether the estate of Sir George Colthurst, Ballyvourney, County Cork, has been purchased direct by the Estates Commissioners from the owner; and, if not, will he explain the circumstances of the sale and the terms agreed upon; have the tenants on the estate to the extent of not less than three-fourths in number and rateable value, undertaken to purchase their holdings from either the Land Commission or the owner; and, if not, will he explain how it is that the Estates Commissioners have been collecting interest on the purchase money on this estate, and generally treating it as if it were an estate to be purchased within the meaning of the Land Act, 1903.


The Estates Commissioners inform me that the estate of Sir George Colthurst is being purchased by the tenants direct from the owner. The average number of years purchase in the agreements lodged is: first term tenants, 19.9; second term tenants, 22.5; non-judicial tenants, 19.6. The provisions of the Act as to three-fourths of the tenants in number and rateable value undertaking to purchase are not applicable to sales direct from landlord to tenant. The lands have not yet been declared an estate, nor has the estate been inspected in detail.


I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether the Estates Commissioners intend to make any inquiries into the circumstances under which it is alleged that Denis McCarthy, of Reinabubbul, on the estate of Sir George Colthurst, Ballyvourney, received the sum of £6 from the estate agents as an inducement to sign his purchase agreement; has this tenant since repudiated the agreement on the ground that his signature was obtained by fraud and duress; has he refused to pay instalments of interest to the Commissioners, and have they processed him and endeavoured to execute the decree against him; and, having regard to the special circumstances of this case, will he take steps to secure an immediate inquiry by the Commissioners.


The Estates Commissioners will consider any application which Denis McCarthy may make to them, with notice to the owner, that his agreement should not be acted on, but in the absence of any such application they see no reason for special inquiry as to the payment of £6 stated to have been made to the tenant. The Commissioners have no information as to the circumstances in which such payment may have been made. McCarthy has failed to pay the usual interest on the purchase money, and steps are being taken for its recovery.