CAPTAIN CRAIGI beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he will lay before the House copies of the correspondence that has passed between the Secretary of the Vice-Regal Commission on Irish Railways, the Great Northern Railway Ireland), the Belfast and County Down Railway, and Dr. Wylmants Olpherts, Downpatrick, relative to the frequently recurring failure of the passengers by these railways, travelling by the 3 p.m. train from Dublin via Newcastle, to connect with the 6.40 p.m. train to Belfast at Newcastle, thereby entailing inconvenience and expense.
§ MR. BIRRELLI am informed by the Vice-Regal Commission on Irish Railways that the correspondence referred to in the Question has not yet concluded. The Commission are awaiting replies to letters recently sent to the managers of the railways concerned and when the correspondence is complete the Commissioners will consider the 1543 desirability of furnishing copies for presentation to Parliament if required.
CAPTAIN CRAIGCannot some influence be brought to bear on the railway companies so that the travelling public may not be inconvenienced by the want of connection at the common terminus?
§ MR. BIRRELLMy powers in this matter are very limited, but I will do my best.