HC Deb 10 March 1908 vol 185 cc1317-8
MR. SMEATON (Stirlingshire)

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland whether he is aware that in parts of Stirlingshire, notably in the Stenhousemuir district, strong feeling has been aroused by the rating of the houses of the working classes as compared with the houses of the leisured classes; that in the district named it is alleged that houses of annual value under £20 are subjected to systematic increased rating every alternate year; that the local co-operative building society, which has existed for forty years and has built many streets of workmen's houses in Stenhousemuir, is being killed by the gradual crushing process; that the houses of the leisured class are under-assessed: and whether he will cause an immediate public inquiry to be made and redress given.


I have no information on the subject referred to by my hon. friend. He is no doubt aware that householders aggrieved at the valuation put upon the houses they occupy by the assessor are at liberty to appeal to the Valuation Appeal Court, and I am unable to take any special steps in the instance referred to.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the tribunal to which working men have to appeal is composed of the very men whose houses are under-assessed?


No, Sir.


May I give the right hon. Gentleman a list of houses under-assessed?


We shall be glad to have any information the hon. Member can give.