HC Deb 09 March 1908 vol 185 cc1088-9
MR. TREVELYAN (Yorkshire, W.R., Elland)

To ask the Secretary of State for War what the trusts are upon which the Duke of York's School is conducted; in whom is vested the power of appointing the body by whom it is governed; and from what source the present income is derived.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Haldane.) There are no trusts connected with the Duke of York's School other than a trust for the Crown. The Commissioners of the school are appointed by Royal Warrant. The income of the school is wholly derived from public funds.


To ask the Secretary of State for War in regard to the proposal to remove the Duke of York's School from Chelsea to Dover from what source has the money necessary to purchase the land and erect the new buildings at Dover been obtained; and to what purpose it is intended to put any surplus funds derived from the sale of the present site, if such sale is carried into effect.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Haldane.) The money for the new site and buildings has been provisionally found from the Military Works Loan. The last part of the Question cannot be answered until the disposal of the site has been settled.