§ MR. VINCENT KENNEDY (Cavan, W.)To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland if he will state what steps have been taken to reinstate Mary Coyle, of Kilnalick, County 1088 Cavan, whose husband was evicted by his landlord, John Fay, who is at present in possession of the evicted farm: was the inspector authorised to demand payment of arrears due at the time of eviction; was the inspector in possession of private information regarding this evicted tenant and the evicted holding; and will he say from whom the inspector got his information.
(Answered by Mr. Birrell.) The Estates Commissioners inform me that they have inquired into the case of Mary Coyle and consider her to be a suitable person to work a farm. The Commissioners understand that the holding is at present in possession of the landlord. The matter has been referred to an inspector, but the Commissioners have not yet received his report.