HC Deb 05 March 1908 vol 185 cc877-8
Mr. WARDLE (Stockport)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade if his attention has been called to an inquest held at Smethwick, on the 10th ultimo., on the body of George Taylor, who had been found dead in the London and North Western goods yard at Soho; whether he has any official reports showing that the deceased's chest was badly crushed and his heart burst; whether he is aware that the coroner, in view of the conflicting evidence, stated that he thought someone was telling lies about the movement of trucks in the yard, and whether he proposes to have a searching investigation into the facts; whether the jury, after visiting the yard at night-time, added a rider to their verdict that more lights should be provided; and if he can say how many fatal accidents have occurred recently at Soho.


The attention of the Board of Trade has been called to the accident to which my hon. friend refers, and an inquiry is being ordered. The officer holding the inquiry will look into the question of lighting. The Board have no record of any other fatal accident having occurred in this yard during the last three years.

Mr. HUDSON (Newcastle)

May I ask if inquiries are made by the inspecting officers of the Board of Trade under the Railway Prevention of Accidents Act 1900, respecting the lighting of goods yards, and if any order has been made by the Department in regard thereto?


asked for notice.