§ MR. GWYNN (Galway)I beg to ask the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland), what the experience of 1907 proves as to the efficacy of potato-spraying and as to the extension of the practice; and what power the Department has to prevent the sale of adulterated or useless spraying mixtures.
§ MR. T. W. RUSSELLThe experience of 1907 undoubtedly proves that potato-spraying was most effective. Apart from the favourable reports of the Department's own officers, numerous letters have been received from individual farmers testifying to the excellent results which followed from the spraying of their crops. The Department regret that, as yet, they have no power to prevent the sale of adulterated or useless 700 spraying mixtures. The Department, however, had placards displayed in every district in Ireland during the season of 1907 warning farmers against purchasing: worthless ready-made spraying mixtures and advising them to use materials recommended in the Department's leaflet on the subject.
§ MR. GWYNNWill the hon. Gentleman introduce legislation enabling the prosecution of people selling adulterated spray mixtures?
§ MR. T. W. RUSSELLI am in consultation with the officials of the Department on the subject. I hardly know anything more important than the protection of the farmer against such things.