HC Deb 02 March 1908 vol 185 c336
* MR. G. GREENWOOD (Peterborough)

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, whether the Prime Minister of Natal has recently declared his intention to persist in the maintenance of martial law in Zululand; if so, whether His Majesty's Government are aware of any justification for this action; and, if not, whether they intend to take any steps in the matter.


I have seen a statement to this effect in the Press, but there has been no very recent official correspondence, and I cannot at present add anything to my reply to recent similar Questions. I may, however, add that the Governor has telegraphed from Zululand that in none of the districts which he has recently visited has any action been taken under martial law since the Militia was demobilised.


May I ask whether the Statement in the Circular Despatch of January 16th, 1867—printed as an appendix to the Natal Blue Book of May, 1906—is not to the effect that with the Governor alone lies the responsibility of declaring martial law, and does that apply only to the Governors of Crown Colonies, or to those of self-governing Colonies as well.


asked for notice of the Question.