HC Deb 30 June 1908 vol 191 cc574-5
MR. HUDSON (Newcastle-on-Tyne)

I beg to ask the Postmaster-General whether his attention has beer, called to the Post Office circular respecting the remuneration of sub-postmasters, which reduces the rate of commission on bankers' postal orders to half an unit instead of one unit, as recommended by the Select Committee; and, if so, what action he proposes to take.


In the scheme submitted to and recommended by the Select Committee full details were not in all cases given as to the treatment of exceptional cases. The case of bankers' postal orders is one of these, and in regard to them the existing practice is merely being continued. The reason for assigning a reduced rate is that postal orders presented in batches by bankers and others are already sorted and accompanied by dockets and paid in one sum, and entail less labour than the standard postal order. The half rate does not apply to the first 5,000 orders presented in batches.