HC Deb 29 June 1908 vol 191 cc355-6
MR. SCOTT (Ashton-under-Lyne)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether his attention has been called to the statement by Sir Henry Bergne, printed in the White Paper [Cd. 3780] relating to the Brussels Sugar Convention, with regard to sugared products; why this reservation has not been embodied in the Additional Act; and what guarantee His Majesty's Government have that the other signatory Powers will respect such a declaration, not even recorded in the proces verbaux.


A statement by Sir Henry Bergne to the effect that it was not possible for His Majesty's Government to furnish certificates of origin in regard to the sugar contained in sugared products is recorded on page 86 of the Proces Verbaux of the Commission (Fifty-second Sitting, 26th July, 1907). It will be seen by the Declaration of the President, recorded on page 102 of the Proces Verbaux, that it has been agreed that if it should be found that any considerable amount of bountied sugar is contained in sugared products exported from Great Britain to contracting States, the Commission will have to decide by a vote of majority whether the circumstances are such as to necessitate the termination of the Convention on 1st September, 1911. There appeared to be no need to embody this understanding in the Additional Act. His Majesty's Government cannot be called upon to furnish certificates with regard to sugared products so long as the Convention is in force.