§ MR. REMNANT (Finsbury, Holborn)To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention-has been called to the dangerous condition of the junction of Southampton Row and Theobald's Road, Holborn, and the London County Council tramway sub-way where, within five weeks recently, no less than seven deaths have been caused by accidents due to the dangerous condition of the traffic; and whether he will ask the Chief Commissioner of 1680 Police to give extra police protection to the public at this spot.
(Answered by Mr. Secretary Gladstone.) The Commissioner of Police is aware that the heavy traffic of all kinds which passes along Theobald's Road renders it dangerous as a thoroughfare, and the two chief points of danger are its junctions with Southampton Row and Gray's Inn Road. At each of these points there are two constables regulating the traffic, and a police patrol has recently been stationed to prevent dangerous driving on the section between these points. Moreover police on beat duty have orders to give special attention to traffic there. The omnibus companies have also been asked to instruct their drivers to exercise special caution in this road. I understand that there have been five persons killed in Theobald's Road this year, but that there has been no fatal accident at its junction with Southampton Row since the opening of the London County Council tramway subway in February, 1906.