§ MR. ASHLEYI beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether rates of pay for sergeant-majors and sergeant-instructors of infantry battalions of the new Territorial Force, approved under War Office sanction for these battalions when belonging to the Volunteers subsequent to 1902, will hold good and be continued as payments authorised at a higher rate than the general scale under the memorandum on the finance of the Territorial Army issued to Associations.
§ MR. HALDANEIn cases where Associations propose a scale of remuneration in excess of the normal and such scale is justified by the circumstances, it will be approved. As I have already explained, no guarantee can be given that rates allowed in the past will be continued under the new conditions.
§ MR. ASHLEYWill the right hon. Gentleman communicate that answer to the County Associations?
§ MR. HALDANEThey know all about it already.
§ SIR IVOR HERBERTHaving regard to the difference in cost of living in various parts of the country will the right hon. Gentleman arrange that the regulations with respect to pay and allowances in these cases are sufficiently elastic to meet the variations?
§ MR. HALDANEThat has been provided for. Of course non-com- 1544 missioned officers from the Regular Army must be treated as such, and we cannot differentiate in their case, but under the regulations special allowances can be made to meet exceptional circumstances and we are prepared to consider any representations from County Associations in regard to such cases.