HC Deb 29 July 1908 vol 193 c1632

Lords' Amendments considered.

Lords' Amendment— To leave out the word 'eleven' and to insert the word 'ten.'

MR. MOONEY (Newry)

asked for some explanation why this Amendment was necessary. There was a right of appeal under Clause 11 and not under Clause 10. The effect of this Amendment would be to take away that right of appeal in Clause [...]1, and if it were so taken away it certainly ought to be given in Clause 10. He much regretted that no member of the Irish executive was present to give some explanation.

MR. JAMES CAMPBELL (Dublin University)

said that this was really a consequential Amendment. As Clause 7 had been omitted the numerical order of the succeeding clauses was changed and Clause 11 became Clause 10. As the Bill was, when it went before another place there was no right of appeal in Clause 10 and it was never intended to give a right of appeal under that Clause. Clause 5 did give a right of appeal in Clause 11, and if Clause 7 was struck out the Clause necessarily became Clause 10.

Lords' Amendments agreed to.

Whereupon Mr. SPEAKER, pursuant to the Order of the House of 10th July, adjourned the House without Question put.

Adjourned at Twenty-one minutes after Eleven o'clock.