HC Deb 29 July 1908 vol 193 cc1505-6

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that on the 12th July last the Catholic inhabitants of Brookborough and Snow Hill, County Fermanagh, were obliged, on their way to church, to pass under several Orange arches spanning the public roads of these villages; and whether, having regard to the irritation produced by the erection of these party emblems and to the calculated insult conveyed thereby to the Catholics in the districts in which they are erected, steps will be taken, in the interests of peace and goodwill and the maintenance of public order, to prevent similar displays of Orange party emblems on the 12th August, more especially as Catholics and Nationalists forbear from any displays calculated to offend the feelings of their Protestant neighbours in their annual celebrations on the 15th August.


The police authorities inform me that on 12th July two Orange arches were erected over the public road at Brookborough, but none at Snow Hill. One of the arches at Brookborough was put up in a Catholic district within 200 yards of the Catholic church, and the congregation had to pass under it when going to and from church. The inhabitants resented the erection of this arch and pulled it down, but it was subsequently put up again. The local police are of opinion that the erection of Orange arches in this Catholic district s liable to endanger the peace, and the question whether the erection of such arches can be prevented in the future is at present under the consideration of the authorities.


Had they to obtain the permission of the local authorities to erect these arches?


I am told they were not consulted.


And yet the Postmaster-General has to obtain permission to carry a wire across the street.