HC Deb 29 July 1908 vol 193 cc1465-6
MR. WATT (Glasgow, College)

To ask the Secretary for Scotland whether he can state the rules governing the appointment of Lords-Lieutenant of counties in Scotland; whether there is any property qualification; with whom the appointment rests; for what term is the appointment made; what are the duties of the position; and what are the powers of those holding such posts with regard to the appointment of Justices of the Peace.

(Answered by Mr. Asquith.) I am not aware of the existence of any body of rules governing the appointment of Lords-Lieutenant. These officers are appointed by the King on the recommendation of the First Lord of the Treasury, and the appointment is for life. My hop. friend will find an account of the duties exercised by them and their powers in respect of the appointment of Justices of the Peace in Sir W. Anson's "Law and Custom of the Constitution."


To ask the Secretary for Scotland whether in view of the practice that Lords-Lieutenant of counties are appointed on the understanding that they are politically in sympathy with the Government of the day, he can state how many of the Lords-Lieutenant of counties in Scotland have been appointed by the present Government and how many of them are in political sympathy with the present Government.

(Answered by Mr. Asquith.) Four Lords-Lieutenant have been appointed for Scottish counties since December, 1905. I cannot say how many of them are in political sympathy with the Government of the day.